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I found a second recipe for chicken wings that’s perfect for when I’m craving savory wings that’s on the softer side, as opposed to a crispier version. Below are some links to more details, including photos: My Story As I often do, I buy meat during a shopping trip based on what’s on sale or…

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After marinating some pork ribs in a bag for several hours, cooking them in a pot for another few hours, crisping them in the oven for a little while, and topping them with some cooked marinade, you will have some delicious pork ribs adobo! Below are some links to more details, including photos: My Story…

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I finally found a chicken adobo recipe with the perfect balance of soy sauce, garlic, and vinegar after testing the third one! As the saying goes, “The third time’s a charm.” Below are some links to more details, including photos: My Story I had tried two different recipes for chicken adobo, one several months ago…

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I love chicken adobo for its combination of flavors from soy sauce, garlic, vinegar, and bay leaves. Though I haven’t eaten it in a long while, I was able to cook a baseline version using a recipe that I found online. Here are links to my Filipino adventure with chicken adobo: I was introduced to…