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During my childhood, I regularly ate stir-fried bok choy with garlic. Aside from the garlic, I didn’t taste much flavor from the vegetable. Regardless of my experience, I still decided to try a similar recipe, first using baby bok choy and later with Shanghai baby bok choy. What I preferred was definitely the latter! Below…

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I made some ribs earlier this month that reminded me of sweet and salty pork jerky. Delicious! Unfortunately, they were a bit chewy, so I have to improve the process. Below are some links to more details, including photos: My Story Normally, I buy fresh ribs when I cook them, but since we had some…

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Previously, the only way I cooked opo squash (aka Chinese long squash) was to throw it in a soup. However, I decided to look for a recipe recently and found one for roasting. After trying this new method twice, I think opo squash would taste better when most of the liquid is extracted from it…

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I really wanted to add this new vegetable to my rotation, but cooking it with a combination of rice vinegar and ginger didn’t lead to a flavor that I was crazy about. Maybe I’ll find another recipe. Below are some links to more details, including photos: My Story At a local supermarket, I saw Taiwanese…