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Most of the time, I prefer my vegetables to be simply cooked, so their essence shines through. With a recipe for a new type of cauliflower, I was able to achieve this. All I had to do was tweak the cooking time a little. Below are some links to more details, including photos: My Story…

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Though I still need to perfect my method of preparing bone-in beef shank so that the meat is flavorful and melts in my mouth, I’ll enjoy the gelatinous part for now. Below are some links to more details, including photos: My Story After making pork belly adobo, I was curious to see what other kinds…

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Yes, it does! This time, I added oyster sauce to fried rice and the last time, to stir-fried eggplant with ground pork. On both occasions, it was a hit with the family! I’m beginning to see a pattern… Below are some links to more details, including photos: My Story I had some recipes for ground…

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The new recipe that I tried was so simple to execute. Now that the filling has been perfected, I can use it as a stuffing, a topping, or even a snack! Below are some links to more details, including photos: My Story As I was exploring the Quick & Easy Recipes on SideChef, a home…