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By braising ribs with some Shaohsing (Shaoxing) rice wine along with cooking michiu (rice wine), I discovered that the dish had a more complex aroma and taste. It certainly livened up the plate! Below are some links to more details, including photos: My Story I was planning to buy beef short ribs at a nearby supermarket…

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The best part of a recipe that I tried was not the chicken. Instead, it was the rice that was seasoned with over half of the ingredients in the recipe! Below are links to more details, including photos: My Story Hainanese chicken rice has always been one of my favorite dishes. It’s an item I…

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Limitless Expo 2022, The Financial Freedom Expo, was a great place to learn new concepts, get more information on familiar ideas, connect with experts, and feel the excitement of this inaugural event. Below are some links to more details, including resources: My Story Fascinating Topics Investing in Government Programs Real Estate Rentals Oil and Gas…

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Using a recipe as originally intended can make a tremendous difference. This proved to be true for making shrimp and egg stir fry. Below are some links to more details, including photos: My Story Last month, I substituted fresh prawns with frozen shrimp in a recipe, but it didn’t turn out as I had hoped.…