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By reserving time to orchestrate a few sub-processes in the latest butter chicken recipe that I found, I was rewarded with a creamy and delicious sauce that accompanied the chicken, both of which were quickly devoured with rice. Yummy! Below are some links to more details, including photos: My Story After I made the mistake…

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I replaced the fresh prawns with frozen, shelled shrimp in a prawn recipe and during my first attempt, a lot of water came out while I was cooking them, causing the dish to be a little bland. After my second try, there was more flavor although the extra liquid still prevented the shrimp from browning,…

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I have a recipe for baked chicken wings that’s a keeper! It provides a great foundation to make some crispy chicken wings with an exceptional aroma and taste of garlic, but still leaves me a challenge to tweak it so the wings are juicy as well. Below are some links to more details, including photos…

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I found an easy way to sneak some flaxseed into my breakfast. The recipe can also be made in advance! Below are some links to more details, including photos and tips: My Story A few months ago, I found out that flaxseed has many health benefits. Eating whole flaxseed helps prevent constipation for one. Since…

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If repeating a recipe with less soy sauce still results in an overly salty dish, it must mean that the amount needs to be significantly reduced or the brand needs to be replaced. Below are some links to more details, including photos and tips: My Story Out of curiosity, I searched the website where I…