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The goal was to quickly enable the audience of a website to make donations to it. By selecting the PayPal online payment solution, it provided the most brand recognition for the users, a donation button to integrate with the website, and the easiest, yet most flexible end-to-end process at a lower cost as compared to…

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When I crave cheese or bread, I would most definitely bake pizza toast because I now have a recipe that is simple and flexible. The hot bread with melted cheese would be ready in very little time! Here are links to the pizza toast journey: I was searching for cooking classes in Texas and a…

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Attempting to make bone broth using my electric stove was not fruitful due to the lack of temperature control. As a result, I could only simmer the liquid for a few hours before it dried up. Without the anticipated broth, the next best thing was to eat the meat, cartilage, etc., off the bones. Here…

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By trying a new recipe that had a couple of my favorite foods, brussels sprouts and eggs, I realized how cayenne pepper added a nice kick to the dish. Also, adding soy sauce and green onions to the eggs took the taste to the next level! Here are the links to my experiment with brussels…