
Hi! I’m Soling.

Over my career, I’ve worked in multiple industries as a supervisor, secretary, analyst, and manager, to name a few roles. A third into my professional journey, I became a parent. Recently, I’ve shifted to be a homeschool parent to a high schooler and an advocate for my own well-being.

As soon as I was done being dumb, I realized that I could share my experiences, processes, and failures with you to help with your learning journey. (See the menu at the top of the page. If you have questions related to a post, please leave a comment at the bottom of it.)

Whether you are trying to figure out your next career move; need help triggering other perspectives or ideas for your family, recipes, or own wellness; or want motivation to execute the plan that you’ve created for homeschooling, I would love to cheer you on!

Person cheering in front of a crowd with confetti in the background
Cheering for you