Simple Pudding Recipe That Will Make a Flaxseed Drink

Flaxseed pudding

I found an easy way to sneak some flaxseed into my breakfast. The recipe can also be made in advance!

Below are some links to more details, including photos and tips:

My Story

A few months ago, I found out that flaxseed has many health benefits. Eating whole flaxseed helps prevent constipation for one. Since this condition can pop up unexpectedly, why not find a recipe and test it before it’s needed?

Inspiring Recipe

At the Don’t Waste the Crumbs website, I found an article, 18 WAYS TO USE FLAXSEED, and selected the recipe in the MAKE HOMEMADE PUDDING section.

First Try

Most of my time spent on new recipes were for main dishes, so that I could use the results to fill some tummies, without having to cook a separate meal. As a result, trying a pudding recipe was always put on the back burner.

However, about a month after I bought a bag of flaxseed, I finally had some extra time and energy to start experimenting with the pudding recipe!

Ingredients to Use

The recipe was so simple that I just doubled the ingredients, adding only honey for sweetness. Below are the items that I used:

  1. 6 tablespoons of flaxseed
  2. 1 cup of milk
  3. 2 tablespoons of honey
Milk, flaxseed, and honey
Milk, flaxseed, and honey

Steps to Prepare

I didn’t have a jar, so I just stirred everything in a glass container and placed it overnight in the refrigerator. At the same time, I was wondering how all this would become jelly-like. 🤔

Glass container of milk, flaxseed, and honey
Container of milk, flaxseed, and honey

Time to Eat

The next morning, I mixed the contents around and the pudding was ready:

Glass container of refrigerated flaxseed pudding
Container of refrigerated flaxseed pudding

Recipe Rating

Here are the results of the recipe after the first attempt:

of Ingredients
(Low🤏, Medium🤏🤏, High🤏🤏🤏)
Cost per Serving
(<$2💰, $2-5💰💰, >$5💰💰💰)
(Not for me🤔, Trying Again🙂, Eating Regularly😋)

When I put a spoonful of pudding in my mouth, it wasn’t as thick as I had expected. Instead, it was milky with a little sliminess from the seeds. After getting used to the texture, it reminded me of cool milk that had soaked up the light honey flavor from one of the cold breakfast cereals that I had growing up, but without the heaviness of grains.

Second Try

After making one version of the flaxseed pudding, I decided to add vanilla and salt this time for more flavor.

Ingredients to Use

Since I made double the recipe again, the following is what I used for the new ingredients:

  1. 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract
  2. 1/8 teaspoon of salt
Salt and vanilla extract
Salt and vanilla extract

Steps to Prepare

I repeated the same process as before, but used a jar this time to contain everything.

Jar of milk, flaxseed, honey, vanilla extract, and salt
Jar of milk, flaxseed, honey, vanilla extract, and salt

Time to Eat

I poured the pudding into a measuring cup after it was refrigerated, so it would be easier to stir.

Cup of refrigerated flaxseed pudding
Refrigerated flaxseed pudding

Recipe Rating

The results this time were as follows:

of Ingredients
(Low🤏, Medium🤏🤏, High🤏🤏🤏)
Cost per Serving
(<$2💰, $2-5💰💰, >$5💰💰💰)
(Not for me🤔, Trying Again🙂, Eating Regularly😋)

With the vanilla extract and salt, the pudding did taste better, though a little too sweet.

Next time, I would like to make the pudding less sweet, so I’ll do the following:

Continuous Improvement

  1. Remove the salt. (This sounds conflicting, but according to the study referenced in Insider’s article, Scientists Find Why Sweet and Salty Pair So Sweetly, adding salt to something sweet makes it taste sweeter.)

As with salt making something sweet, I sometimes have vague feelings or hear about other unbelievable things. When that happens again, I should remind myself the following:

Lesson for Dumber Self

  1. See if research has been done on the belief or test it out yourself to see if it can be proved.

What will you do now?

Next Step for You

  1. Try out one of the recipes in the article, 18 WAYS TO USE FLAXSEED, from the Don’t Waste the Crumbs website?
  2. Learn more about how flaxseed impacts our health? Below are a couple of articles for your convenience:
    1. Flax: What You Need to Know from Gastrointestinal Society (GI Society)
    2. The Top 9 Health Benefits of Flaxseed from Healthline
  3. Read another post on this site? (Go to the menu at the top of the page.)

It’s your choice!

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