Here Is the Advice: Roast Longer or Don’t Roast

Roasted opo squash

Previously, the only way I cooked opo squash (aka Chinese long squash) was to throw it in a soup. However, I decided to look for a recipe recently and found one for roasting. After trying this new method twice, I think opo squash would taste better when most of the liquid is extracted from it or it’s used in a wet dish.

Below are some links to more details, including photos:

My Story

Earlier this month, I saw some opo squash on sale for $.99 per pound, so I grabbed some. Since I didn’t have all the ingredients for the soup that I normally added this vegetable to, I searched for a new recipe instead.

Inspiring Recipe

The recipe that I found was Roasted Opo Squash from a website, Melanie Cooks. It even included instructions and photos on how to peel and cut this vegetable!

First Try

After purchasing the squash, all I needed to add were two more items? I was intrigued!

Ingredients to Use

Since I had two opo squash, I simply doubled the default recipe.

Opo squash, olive oil, and cinnamon in a pink plastic tray
Opo squash, olive oil, and cinnamon

Steps to Prepare

For the instructions, I made a couple of tweaks.

At the beginning, I replaced the parchment paper with foil because I didn’t have the former.

At the end, I added an extra 10 minutes to the baking time, bringing it to a total of 35 minutes. Though the pieces weren’t golden brown yet, I stopped cooking them since they were already tender.

Opo squash cubes in a stainless steel bowl
Opo squash cubes
Seasoned opo squash cubes on a foil-lined baking sheet
Seasoned opo squash cubes on a foil-lined baking sheet

Time to Eat

Because I never cooked opo squash with only two additional ingredients, I expected the flavor to come mostly from the vegetable itself.

Roasted opo squash on a white, long plate
Plate of roasted opo squash

Recipe Rating

Below were the results of the recipe after the first try:

of Ingredients
(Low🤏, Medium🤏🤏, High🤏🤏🤏)
Cost per Serving
(<$2💰, $2-5💰💰, >$5💰💰💰)
(Not for me🤔, Trying Again🙂, Eating Regularly😋)

The squash smelled good from the cinnamon, but tasted of watery squash. Maybe I should’ve kept the pan in the oven longer?

Second Try

For the second attempt, my goal was to add more flavor and golden color to the dish.

Ingredients to Use

Since I wanted to experiment with a smaller batch this time, I just used the measurements from the default recipe. In addition, I added salt.

Bottle of ground sea salt
Ground sea salt

Steps to Prepare

When it came to the process, I kept it the same as my first try.

Time to Eat

After adding the extra 10 minutes to the roasting time for less squash, I was curious if the texture would improve.

Roasted opo squash on a round, white plate (Try 2)
Roasted opo squash (Try 2)

Recipe Rating

Below are the results of the recipe from the second attempt:

of Ingredients
(Low🤏, Medium🤏🤏, High🤏🤏🤏)
Cost per Serving
(<$2💰, $2-5💰💰, >$5💰💰💰)
(Not for me🤔, Trying Again🙂, Eating Regularly😋)

The opo squash definitely tasted better with the addition of salt. Also, increasing the roasting time was the right idea because the squash was drier. However, I’ll continue to use this vegetable in wet dishes to take advantage of its natural juices.

If I were to give this recipe a try again, I would do the following:

Continuous Improvement

  1. Double the roasting time.

After roasting different amounts of opo squash, I realized the following that I would like to share with my dumber self:

Lesson for Dumber Self

  1. Doubling the default recipe may require doubling the roasting time.

What will you do now?

Next Step for You

  1. Try the recipe, Roasted Opo Squash, from a website, Melanie Cooks?
  2. Learn more about opo squash? (What is Opo Squash + How to Cook It (6 Methods), a post from the blog, Yummy Addiction, is a good place to start.)
  3. Read another post on this site? (Go to the menu at the top of the page.)

It’s your choice!

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